UPNVJ Again Socializes Entrance Paths at SMA Global Mandiri


HumasUPNVJ - Before we know it, we have entered the preparation for the 2025 state university entrance selection, several Senior High Schools (SMA) have started preparing their students to increase their insight and information at several state and private universities.

Just like today, the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta (UPNVJ) again received an invitation to socialize the Global Mandiri High School, East Jakarta, on Tuesday (11/05/24).

On this occasion, the UPNVJ Public Relations division was present to provide a direct overview of the process and the paths that SMA Global Mandiri students can take to enter UPNVJ.

In its implementation, it was divided into two presentation sessions, both for grades 10 to 12.

Not only SMA Global Mandiri, on this occasion there were also other schools that joined to listen to the UPNVJ presentation, one of which was SMA Diponegoro 2.

The students' great enthusiasm was shown by how they observed and understood every topic presented by the UPNVJ Public Relations team.

Not only giving presentations, UPNVJ also opened a booth where students could come directly to ask more detailed questions about UPNVJ.

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