HumasUPNVJ - The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings and forgiveness. In this month, Muslims around the world compete to improve the quality of faith and piety.
Based on the spirit of worship in the month of Ramadan, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta ( UPNVJ ) as an educational institution that upholds religious values, also participated in welcoming the holy month by holding a Tarhib Ramadan activity. Tarhib Ramadan 1446 H is an activity to welcome the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan 1446 H which was held online via the zoom platform on Thursday, February 28, 2025.
The theme this year is “Interpreting the Month of Ramadan to Improve the Quality of Faith and Performance for UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Employees.” This event also presents Prof. Dr. H. Armai Arief, MA, Professor of UIN Jakarta.
UPNVJ Chancellor Prof. Anter Venus explained in his speech that this activity aims to prepare UPNVJ employees and students to welcome the month of Ramadan, as well as improve the quality of faith and performance of the entire academic community.
"Soon we will enter the holy month of Ramadan, a month full of blessings, forgiveness, and mercy from Allah SWT. Tarhib Ramadhan is a momentum for us to welcome the holy month with a clean heart, full of happiness, and spiritual and mental readiness," said Prof. Venus. "Ramadan is not just a month to hold back hunger and thirst, but also the right time for us to increase our faith, piety, and social concern. Therefore, I would like to invite all academicians of UPN Veteran Jakarta to make Ramadan a meaningful month by utilizing the time as best as possible to increase prayer, read the Qur'an, and deepen religious knowledge, and maintain a balance between academics and worship," said the rector.
Prof. Venus called on students to use Ramadan as motivation to remain productive in studying, doing assignments, and achieving success.
Regarding social concern, the Chancellor of UPNVJ invited all parties to increase the spirit of sharing by helping brothers and sisters in need, either through charity programs, breaking the fast together, or other social activities. "Ramadan is the right time to strengthen Islamic brotherhood and build better character," said Venus
"May this year's Ramadan bring blessings to all of us and make us better individuals in both academic and social life. I also invite all academicians to make the most of this holy month to have a positive impact on themselves, their families, and the surrounding environment," he concluded.
The Tarhib Ramadan 1446 activity is aimed at UPNVJ employees, lecturers, and students as well as the general public around the campus environment, with a target of 1,000 people.