FIKES UPNVJ Scientific Journal Increases National Accreditation Ranking to SINTA 2


HumasUPNVJ - The Scientific Journal of Public Health (JIKM) of the Faculty of Public Health Sciences (FIKES) of the National Development University "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) has achieved an increase in National Accreditation from Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 4 to SINTA 2.

SINTA accreditation is a process of assessing and recognizing scientific journals in Indonesia.

Sinta Journal is a useful tool for researchers to find quality scientific references that can be used as a place to publish scientific articles.

This increase in accreditation indicates that the journal has improved the quality and relevance of published articles, and has met high standards of publication ethics.

In addition, this increase in accreditation is the result of the hard work and dedication of the journal team, as well as support from the leadership of FIKES and UPNVJ.

In an interview with UPNVJ Public Relations on Saturday, March 22, 2025, JIKM Chair Dr. Fajaria Nurcandra, SKM, M.Epid briefly told the journey of the JIKM team from the beginning to being able to achieve increased national accreditation.

"We are very proud of this accreditation upgrade, because it shows that our journal has met high quality standards," said Fajaria.

"We were able to achieve this improvement because we had a solid JIKM team from the beginning. Since JIKM was not yet accredited, they contributed selflessly, the assistance and attention from LPPM and UPNVJ itself were also extraordinary through special programs for existing journals," he said.

"Not only that, the support from Fikes UPNVJ is also extraordinary in being able to revive JIKM which had been in a coma since 2017," said Fajaria.

On her occasion, Fajaria also said that JIKM would not be able to grow without the sincere dedication of the team. She expressed her gratitude to;

1. Chahya Kharin Herbawani, S.Keb, Bd., MKM managing editor JIKM for his hard work

2. Our internal editors and reviewers, thank you for being willing to raise JIKM

3. Guest editors and reviewers from within the country and abroad, thank you for your contributions.

4. Devi, Selly, Azizah, thank you for being willing to devote everything since JIKM is not accredited.

5. Intan and Anggi, our student admins who helped revive JIKM

6. Ahid and Fanny, our student admins who contributed to making JIKM SINTA 4

7. Ismaya and Balqis, admins from our students who contributed to making JIKM SINTA 2

"We hope that this increase in accreditation can increase the visibility and influence of our journal at the national and international levels, and can help improve the quality of research and development in the field of public health," said Fajaria.

"Hopefully the JIKM team will be more solid. We also hope to get a lot of support for the next target, namely that our journal can be indexed by DOAJ and/or Scopus as a form of contribution to UPNVJ," he concluded.

With this increase in accreditation, the FIKES UPNVJ Public Health Scientific Journal is ready to become one of the leading journals in Indonesia and contribute to the development of science and technology, especially in the field of public health.

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