HumasUPNVJ - Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta (UPNVJ) together with Université de Poitiers to organize the Erasmus+ Program as the first batch with the aim of increasing the mobility of students and lecturers between UPNVJ and Université de Poitiers.
Based on the report of Dianwicaksih Arieftiara, Special Staff of the Rector for Internationalization, the Erasmus+ Program will start in the period 2023–2025 and in 2024, this program has facilitated mobility for 3 students and 3 lecturers of UPNVJ to Université de Poitiers.
The Erasmus+ programme is a European Union programme that supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe.
This program aims to improve the skills, employment opportunities, and international mobility of students, lecturers, and other professionals.
Entering 2025, the program continues mobility with the arrival of lecturers from Université de Poitiers to UPNVJ.
“On 13–25 January 2025, Dr. Marc Purroy conducted an academic visit. Furthermore, on 3–5 March 2025, representatives from the International Office and lecturers from Université de Poitiers Dr. Marlene Belle, Prof. Dr. Phillipe Rogeon, and Licia Bagini, Ph.D. were present to coordinate the evaluation of the implementation of Erasmus+ 2022–2025 and the preparation of the Erasmus+ 2025–2028 program. In addition, on 28 April – 9 May 2025, two lecturers from Université de Poitiers will come to UPNVJ to run the academic mobility program,” explained Dianwicaksih.
He also explained that in addition to academic exchanges, the program also includes various other collaborative initiatives, such as the Adjunct Professor program, mediation with the French Embassy for French language course programs for UPNVJ students and lecturers, as well as the development of other strategic academic cooperation.