UPN "Veteran" Jakarta holds its 52nd Anniversary which is routinely celebrated every January 7th, carrying the theme "With the Spirit of the 52nd Anniversary Realizing State Defense Awareness of PTN UPN "Veteran" Jakarta" .
Located at Lt. IV Gd. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo UPNVJ, the event started at 09.00 WIB and was solemn and lively. The series of events started by a Scientific Oration entitled "Creating Awareness of State Defense for Higher Education Citizens to Support National Defense" by Vice Admiral TNI DR. DA Mamahit, MSc as Plt. Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA) Chancellor of the Defense University read by Marsda TNI Suparman, Msi Han.
At the thanksgiving event which was held after the senate session, the winners of the English speech competition RA. Geeas Prisalsabil from the Faculty of Economics showed his skills and the winner of the group vocal competition from the Faculty of Health Sciences gave his golden voice.
Providing scholarship assistance to the sons and daughters of UPNVJ employees who excel at the elementary, middle and high school levels is one of a series of these activities. As entertainment, the Gita Advayatva Choir UKM and the UBV Band UKM also enlivened this event by presenting a series of struggle songs.
The cutting of the Tumpeng is the culmination of the event with the hope that UPNVJ can produce the best and quality graduates, carrying out its vision and mission with the spirit of Defending the Country to make UPNVJ a prestigious university.