Election of the New Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Election of the New Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Tuesday, November 14 2017, the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held the Election and Exposure of Candidates for Deans for the 2017-2021 period at the Garuda Auditorium, floor IV, Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. This event was attended by UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S. Siradj, M.Sc.Eng, Head of AKPK Bureau Dr. Drs. Suyatno, MM, students and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. On this occasion the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta gave his remarks, he expressed his hopes for the lecturers and employees of the Faculty of Computer Science to improve the quality of learning and enhance careers at UPN "Veteran Jakarta.

P PEMILIHAN_DEKAN_FIK_copy.jpg in this election there were two candidates as candidates for the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science. The first candidate is Dr. Ermatita, S.Kom., in her presentation she conveyed the vision "Making the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Superior in Quality, Innovative, and Creative and Globally Competitive in the Field of Information and Communication Technology", with the mission of realizing open management by maximizing infrastructure , sustainable academic quality assurance, encouraging research activities and community service, maximizing the welfare of all Faculties, together fostering transparent governance, encouraging creativity and innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), encouraging excellence in the application of ICT science, enhance cooperation locally to international level.

The second candidate is Dra. Intan Hesti Indriana, MM, in his presentation he conveyed his vision "Making a Superior, Competitive, Innovative Faculty of Computer Science in the field of Information and Communication Technology at the National Level with a National Defending Identity in 2025", then he conveyed his mission which is to produce excellent graduates , mastering the theory and application of ICT in national security, producing innovative research, and optimizing the use of ICT in aspects of social life.

After going through the explanations from the prospective candidates, it was followed by direct election activities in the Faculty of Computer Science Lab Room 201. This election activity was opened by the chairman and members of the Senate of the Faculty of Computer Science, which then began the general election event by taking voting rights from the academic community of the Faculty of Computer Science witnessed by students.

Elected Dean Dr.Ermatita, S.Kom
Former Dean of FIK Dr. Nidjo Sandjojo, M.Sc.

The results of the voting by the academic community of the Faculty of Computer Science, obtained candidate number 1 winning with 24 votes, namely Dra. Ermatita, S.Kom, while candidate number 2 received 4 votes, namely Dra.Intan Hesti Indriana, MM., and 6 people who did not exercise their voting rights. With these results stated that Dra. Ermatita, S. Kom won the election for Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.

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