Socialization of Health BPJS Membership Benefits

The BPJS Team in Socializing BPJS Membership

JAKARTA - The BPJS Health Team at the South Jakarta Main Branch Office conducted a "Socialization of BPJS Health Benefits" at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ, Friday 9 February 2018.

The socialization event was started with remarks by the Head of the General Affairs Bureau, Drs. Sugeng Siswanto. In his remarks he said " at this time we will carry out discussions regarding BPJS membership which will be conveyed directly by the BPJS team. So that if there are problems regarding BPJS, they can be discussed in this socialization. Hopefully this socialization can provide a way out of problems related to BPJS membership, " he said.

The socialization event was attended by all employees at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta with the delivery of material by the BPJS Team, namely Mrs. Sri Puji. The main discussion in the socialization this time is the Healthy Indonesia Card Program which is one of President Joko Widodo's programs which was launched simultaneously with the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and the Prosperous Family Card and the Prosperous Family Savings Card (KSKS), on 3 November 2014. KIS functions as a health insurance card, which can be used to get free health services at primary and secondary level health facilities, according to the condition of the disease suffered by the KIS beneficiary. KIS is an expansion of the National Health Insurance program launched by the previous government.

In addition, the BPJS team also conveyed what benefits can be felt by participating in BPJS and the stages of participation and what rights are obtained in participating in BPJS. The purpose of this socialization is so that all UPNVJ employees who are not familiar with the BPJS system can better understand and find solutions to the problems they face regarding BPJS participation. After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a question and answer session.


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