JAKARTA - Today the KPP Pratama Depok Sawangan Team visited UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to carry out "UPNVJ Treasurer Tax Socialization" at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, Wednesday (14/02/18).
The event began with remarks by the Head of General Affairs and Finance Bureau, Drs. Sugeng Siswanto. In his remarks he said " today we will carry out tax socialization with the aim that we can understand much more about how to collect, deposit and report taxes and discuss issues related to taxes within the UPNVJ environment " he said.
The socialization event was attended by employees of the finance section and representatives of lecturers from each faculty at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Submission of material was delivered by the Head of Supervision and Consultation Section IV KPP Pratama Depok Sawangan Bp.Eko Rusdijatmoko. The main discussion in the socialization this time is regarding the tax obligations of the government treasurer (PTN-Dikti Satker). The speaker conveyed tax-related information regarding data on tax payments, the flow of revenue and use of the State Budget (APBN). Apart from that, the speaker also explained the difference in rates and withholding of Income Tax (PPh) Article 22 and PPh Article 23 where sometimes mistakes occur in the payment of taxes for the UPNVJ finance division. After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a question and answer session.