Socialization of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Employment BPJS Benefits

Head of General Affairs & Finance Bureau
while delivering his speech

JAKARTA - Today the Jakarta Cilandak branch of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Team is present at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta to hold a "Socialization of BPJS Employment Benefits" at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, Thursday (15/02/18).

The event began with remarks by the Head of General Affairs and Finance Bureau, Drs. Sugeng Siswanto. In his remarks he said "Today we will listen to socialization from the Employment BPJS Team, in this socialization we can discuss together about the Employment BPJS program and I hope that the participants can ask directly if there is something that is not understood regarding this Employment BPJS to the speaker, so that in using the BPJS Employment card can be in accordance with the existing system, "he said.

The socialization event for Employment BPJS this time was attended by all employees at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta with presentation of material by Mr. Rachmadi Catur Raharjo and Mrs. Kusnaesih from the BPJS Employment Team. The main discussion delivered by the speakers in this socialization was regarding the benefits and uses of the Old Age Security Program, death security and work accident insurance as well as pension security. After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a question and answer session.

Mrs. Kusnaesih as the Relations Officer of the Employment BPJS Team also conveyed her main motivation and hopes for holding this socialization " The main motivation is to provide education for the workforce or the wider community regarding social security protection, especially for employment. I also hope that all levels of society, especially companies, can participate in all employment programs from the government so that they can minimize the risks that will occur in this employment program, "he said when he had the opportunity to be interviewed at the end of the event.

Material Submission by Rachmadi Catur Raharjo
as Relationship Officer/PMAP
BPJS of Employment

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