Understand the Indonesian Halal Industry & Financial Inclusion in the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta Islamic Economics Student Seminar

JAKARTA - The definition of financial inclusion based on the National Strategy for Inclusive Finance from Bank Indonesia has the meaning that is the right of everyone to have access and full services from financial institutions in a timely, convenient, informative and affordable manner with full respect for their dignity. On this basis, we as the younger generation are required to develop Financial Inclusion in Indonesia and the world by not forgetting to apply Banking Sharia values in it.


It was on this basis that UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Islamic Economics Study Program students held a Seminar on "Halal Industry & Financial Inclusion in Economic Development in Indonesia" at the Bhineka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ, on Seminar_ekonomi_syariah_(4).JPG Wednesday (07/03/18).

The event began with remarks from the Dean of FEB Dr. Drs. Ec. Prasetyo Hadi, MM in his remarks said " With this seminar together we will know more about the current developments of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia, and later we will jointly discuss the growth of the sharia economy in Indonesia. Hopefully this seminar will be useful for all of us, especially for students of the Islamic Economics Study Program, " he said.

This seminar was attended by 140 participants including students of the Islamic Economics Study Program with speakers including Muhammad Rizky Rizaldy, SE, MM (Lecturer and Researcher in Economics, Finance and Sharia Business, Department of Sharia Economics, Gunadarma University) and Langgeng Basuki, SE, MM (Head of Sub-Directorate for Management of State Sharia Securities Transactions, Ministry of Finance). The main thing discussed in the first session of the Seminar this time was regarding the Islamic economic system in the world economy with the aim of growing Islamic values in the economies around and in the world. In the second session the discussion was more directed towards the current state of development of Financial Inclusion in Indonesia.


According to Riska Tri Febriyani, the 2017 FEB Student of the Islamic Economics Study Program, when interviewed, conveyed the purpose of this activity to prepare the younger generation so that they can better understand how the halal industry is in economic development in Indonesia today, besides that in this seminar they can directly discuss with sources who already understand from an economic perspective in Indonesia, especially the development of the Islamic economy in Indonesia and the world.

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