UPNVJ Lecturer Discusses Intellectual Property Rights in Strengthening Depok's Economy

HumasUPNVJ - The Depok City Government through the Regional Development Planning and Research Agency (Bappeda) held an online discussion with the theme "The process of managing IPR and the importance of IPR in developing innovation in Depok City." This event presented Rianda Dirkareshza, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law/Coordinator of the IP Center of the "Veteran" National Development University of Jakarta (UPNVJ) as the main resource person.

The event, which was officially opened by the Head of Research, Development and Innovation Division of the Depok City Bappeda, Fathir Fajar Siddiq, started at 09.30 WIB on March 6, 2025.

In his presentation, Rianda emphasized the importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in supporting economic growth based on innovation and creativity.

"Protection of IPR, such as copyright, patents, and industrial designs, is a strategic instrument to strengthen the competitiveness of local products in Depok City and increase Regional Original Income (PAD)," said Rianda.

In addition, he said that geographical indications are also a form of IPR that can maintain the authenticity and quality of regional products and open up promotional opportunities in national and international markets.

"In particular, the importance of geographical indications is very relevant for Depok City which has a number of superior products, such as Belimbing Dewa Kota Depok, Batik Gong Si Bolong, and Dodol Depok. These products not only represent the richness of local culture and potential, but also have high economic value if managed and protected properly through the IPR scheme," said Rianda.

"With the protection of geographical indications, these products can become more widely known and gain better recognition at the national and international levels," he added.

Sustainable Economic Strengthening

Rianda also explained the process of submitting copyright, patents, and industrial designs, accompanied by a registration flow diagram that made it easier for participants to understand.

He emphasized that IPR can be a strategic tool in preserving local cultural wealth, encouraging innovation, and opening up investment opportunities through the potential of superior products that have intellectual value.

In its implementation, the discussion was interactive with many questions from participants regarding the authority of copyright holders, the patent application process, and the potential for downstreaming IPR-based products.

Answering this question, Rianda emphasized that IPR protection is not only limited to legal aspects, but also as a form of recognition of innovation and creativity that can open up broad economic opportunities.

This event is expected to increase the awareness and understanding of the Depok City Government regarding the importance of IPR in supporting the strengthening of a sustainable and innovation-based regional economy.

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