Equalization of BKD Perceptions & UPNVJ Lecturer Teaching Hours Excess Formulations


HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Lecturer Workload (BKD) is something that must be achieved by lecturers as educators. With this in mind, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a Workshop "Equalizing Perceptions of Assessment or Evaluation of BKD and Formulation of Excess Teaching Hours (KJM)" at the UPNVJ Rectorate Building, on Tuesday (21/08/18). BKD_KJM_2018_(3).jpg

This activity was attended by all lecturers in the UPNVJ environment, totaling 187 people. Apart from that, Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Wahyudin Zarkasyi, SE., MS, Ak, CPA, Chancellor of Singaperbangsa Karawang University (UNSIKA) and Dr. Drs. Susanta, M.Sc, Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta and the speaker for the event, Prof. Dr. H. Engkus Kuswarno, MS Professor of Padjadjaran University.

The main objective with this activity is to unify the perception that lecturers have duties that are not only teaching but must fulfill the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes community service and research.

BKD_KJM_2018_(2).jpg In this case the Chancellor of UPNVJ also said "This activity is very important for us, this problem of differences in BKD perceptions needs to be addressed because it avoids misunderstandings between us. Having competent sources in this matter can also provide enlightenment so that there is the same perception between us. Hopefully with the same perception we can run good lectures, "he said.

This activity ended with a question and answer session, many things about BKD and KJM Formulation were asked by the resource person which were then answered in a straightforward and clear manner so that participants could fully understand how the BKD and KJM Formulation actually were described.


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