Create National Defense Patriots through PKKMB 2018


HumasUPNVJ - Acceptance of new students for the 2018 academic year has been completed for 6 days from 12 to 17 August 2018 at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. In this activity, UPNVJ took the theme "Patribera (Patriot Bela Negara) 2018". This activity was filled with lectures from various competent speakers in the field of Education, which included representatives from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia.

The material provided in this activity focuses on understanding UPNVJ's Vision and Mission, National Insight, Defending the State, Pancasila and the 45th Constitution, the dangers of terrorism, understanding drug abuse and the Values of PIKIR's work culture and introduction to student organizations in UPNVJ. In addition to providing material in the classroom, the Student Activity Unit (UKM) conducted an introduction to each organization with the UKM Parade which also entertained all 2018 PKKMB participants.





During the implementation of the 2018 PKKMB at UPNVJ which was attended by 2,858 new students, the activities ran in an orderly and smooth manner. This was made possible thanks to the support of all the leaders and the hard work of the entire 2018 PKKMB committee.







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