UPNVJ Held Commemoration of the 73rd Indonesian Independence Day and Closing of the 2018 PKKMB


HumasUPNVJ – Friday, August 17 2018 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held a Red and White Flag Raising ceremony in commemoration of the 73rd Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Field.

Acting as ceremonial supervisor UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Chancellor Eddy S. Siradj, entered the ceremony field at around 08.10 WIB, and on this occasion the team that served as red and white flag raisers was the UPNVJ Student Regiment.

The Republic of Indonesia Independence Day ceremony is a routine activity carried out by UPNVJ every year. However, there is something different from the previous year, this year the Commemoration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at UPNVJ was carried out simultaneously with the closing of the 2018 New Student Campus Life Introduction Program (PKKMB) with a total of 2,858 new students.


In this ceremony, the University Senate handed over new students to the Chancellor of UPNVJ, which was followed by embedding and awarding PKKMB 2018 certificates to new student representatives from all faculties which indicated that new students had officially become UPNVJ students class of 2018. HUT_RI_73_(2).JPG

The Chancellor of UPNVJ also read out the message from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education which basically invited the younger generation to continue working to develop research, technology and higher education and to make proud achievements to strengthen the pride and confidence of the younger generation in Indonesia.

photo with New Student Representatives, Chancellor and Faculty Dean

New Student 2018

University Senate

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