Comparative Study of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta and UPN "Veteran" East Java to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta.


UPNVJ Public Relations - Friday, October 25 2018 UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta and UPN "Veteran" East Java visited UPN "Veteran" Jakarta in order to conduct a comparative study. In the agenda for this visit the group from UPNVY and UPNVJT discussed various matters related to the management of the MASH Classroom.

During this comparative study visit, Mr. Dr. Drs. Susanta, M.Sc as Deputy Chancellor for general and financial affairs at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta brought representatives of a group of approximately 15 people consisting of deans of each faculty, education staff and university senate to see comparisons related to curriculum management, handling of student organizations and the formation of partnerships with work partners. He also gave an opinion on UPN "Veteran" Jakarta that after being nationalized in these 4 years there have been many changes for the better "I think that in the four years of nationalization, the changes have really been felt both from an academic standpoint, especially from the quality of the students, the quality of the education administration. I also saw that there was already a fairly representative MASH Classroom , and then I saw many other changes after nationalization. I am sure that in the future this UPN will become a big university together with 2 other UPNs, namely UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta and UPN "Veteran" East Java". he said.

Besides that, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ramdan Hidayat, Ms. as Deputy Chancellor I of UPN "Veteran" East Java also brought a group on this visit of approximately 30 lecturers and education staff. They intend to see comparisons in several fields such as general administration and finance, as well as in the fields of research and community service and governance at UPNVJ. He also gave an overview of the current UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, "As fellow UPNs who were born together, four years ago as a State University, of course, even though the management is autonomous in each Chancellor both in East Java, Jogja and Jakarta, of course in in the performance of the Tri Dharma, there must be advantages and disadvantages.


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