Increase Thought Value To Advancing UPNVJ


HUMAS UPNVJ - In the 90th youth oath commemoration ceremony at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta ceremony field. Monday, October 29 2018. In his speech the elected Chancellor as well as ceremony supervisor Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA expressed her gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S Siradj, M.Sc, Eng for his dedication as the first chancellor with UPN "Veteran" Jakarta status as a State University, "I express my gratitude and highest appreciation to Prof. Dr. Ir. Eddy S Siradj, M.Eng, UPNVJ Chancellor for the 2014 – 2018 period for his service as the first chancellor with UPNVJ status as a PTN. He has made a great contribution in bringing UPNVJ in transitional periods and preparing UPNVJ to become a PTN with the status of a Legal Entity PTN," he said.

Besides that, Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA also asked all educators and education staff to continue to have commitment, loyalty, professionalism, integrity, struggle, innovation and responsiveness to UPN "Veteran" Jakarta for the sake of improvement and progress of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, " To make UPN "Veteran" Jakarta better, several elements are needed, namely:

  1. Employees who have high commitment and loyalty to the institution, namely having the desire to always strive as hard as they can to advance and maintain the good name of UPNVJ and are willing to carry out all the provisions that apply at UPNVJ
  2. Complete trust in leadership
  3. Human resources educators and educational staff who are qualified, professional, have integrity, have a fighting spirit, continue to think about innovation and are responsive to changes and services. THINK becomes a work culture that is applied and implemented not just at the level of speech.


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