Creating Young Entrepreneurs, FEB UPNVJ Holds Entrepreneurship Products 2018


HumasUPNVJ - Thursday, November 22 2018 UKM Development Center in collaboration with FEB lecturers and Faculty students, S-1 Management, S-1 Accounting and D-III Accounting in holding an entrepreneurial activity entitled GEPROK (Entrepreneurship Product Degree) 2018 located in page of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta M. Husni Thamrin Building. This activity is an activity in the second year and later will be held every year.

The GEPROK activity that was held was also a form of assessment in the practice of entrepreneurship courses and this practice was made for the final assignment value in lieu of UAS. Because entrepreneurship courses are no longer in the form of written exams but are practiced in entrepreneurial activities like this.



The GEPROK activity this time involved students from 3 faculties (S-1 Management, S-1 Accounting and D-III Accounting) which were divided into several groupings, namely: 14 groups of D-III Accounting, 30 groups of S-1 Management groups and for S-1 Accounting as many as 63 groups. A total of 107 groups participated in this year's entrepreneurial activities. Each group sells various kinds of food and drinks.


Adit as the chief executive of GEPROK in 2018 said that this activity was widely supported by lecturers and UKM Development Centers and a series of GEPROK entertainment events were also filled by various FEB internal performers. According to him, the purpose of this event is so that students can train themselves to become a superior generation in entrepreneurship and can find out how to be more creative in creating products.

In addition, the Chairperson and Secretary of SBU (Sentra Bina UKM) Dra. Alfida Aziz, MM. & Mr. Jenji Gunaedi Argo, SE., MM hope that what has been done can be continued in the future and with this activity hopefully it can train students' abilities in entrepreneurship.


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