Preparing Globally Competitive Students, UPNVJ Holds National Seminars and Call For Papers

HumasUPNVJ - UPN "Veteran" Jakarta through the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) held a National Seminar and Call for papers with the theme "Economic Business Strategy and Education Characteristically Defending the State in Industry 4.0", with the keynote speech by UPNVJ Chancellor Dr. Erna Hernawati, SE., Ak., CPMA., CA and invited lecturers and students who will submit their papers later during the call for papers session, the seminar was held in the Bhineka Tunggal Ika auditorium building, on. Thursday (13/12/18).


Present as the guest speaker First Admiral TNI Ivan Yulivan, Ina Primiana as Main Commissioner of PT. Pegadaian and Intan Ahmad as the Director General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti.

The seminar was opened by the Chancellor of UPNVJ which was followed by reading the keynote speech . He expressed his hope that this seminar would add to our insights about economic developments in the 4.0 era by not forgetting to instill the character of Bela

"Hopefully this seminar can add to our insight into the economy in the current era while continuing to implement the values of Defending the Country"

In his discussion, the Chancellor conveyed an Integrative Approach in dealing with the industrial era 4.0. He said that we not only have to be ready but also have to prepare ourselves to face the industrial era that is constantly developing.

"By knowing the stages of the industry from before to the time of industry 4.0 and later we really have to prepare to always be ready in every era that we will encounter, so here UPNVJ wants to prepare students with graduates who are ready to face all the eras encountered. This is a priority because there are still many who think that we have not yet entered the 4.0 era. This era is an industrial era that cannot be avoided because if you don't prepare and don't want to follow the existing era, then future plans will not run optimally. Change does not wait for us but we must be ready and prepared to be students who are able to compete in the global industry.”


He also added "The condition of unemployment continues to increase and we as the younger generation must anticipate this with more concentration to be able to compete in the global industry. so here UPNVJ wants to prepare students with graduates who are ready to face all the eras they encounter. This is a priority because there are still many who think that we have not entered the 4.0 era even though this era is an era that cannot be avoided because if you don't prepare and don't want to follow the existing era, future plans will not run optimally. Change does not wait for us, but we must be ready and prepared to be students who are able to compete in the global industry," he said.

After the delivery of the keynote speech by the Chancellor of UPNVJ, the seminar was followed by a discussion of material from several sources. In this case Intan Ahmad as the Director General of Belmawa delivered a discussion on the opportunities and challenges of higher education in industry 4.0. He said “a person who can keep up with the changing times is not the strongest and greatest but someone who can adapt. And when we talk about defending our country, we must know our country's position and how we can improve our country's position so that we can compete with other countries because if we want to advance we must know our position because with that we can set targets to compete," he said while giving motivation. to students.

The activity closed with interviews and continued with a Call For Papers where 24 papers that had been re-selected were presented for later to be selected as the best.


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