HumasUPNVJ - Rector of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta ( UPNVJ ), Prof. Anter Venus inaugurated 29 Chairmen of Student Organizations (Ormawa), Chairmen of Student Activity Units (UKM), and Chairmen of the University Scholarship Forum. This inauguration was carried out to confirm student leaders in their strategic roles in advancing campus life, improving academic quality, and strengthening the active role of students in various social, cultural, and self-development activities.
In the event held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium UPNVJ (20/1), the Chancellor reminded the newly inaugurated chairmen to continue to lead with integrity, a high sense of responsibility, and always prioritize the interests of students and the university as a whole. The Chancellor also emphasized the importance of collaboration between various student organizations and the university in realizing UPNVJ's vision and mission as an excellent educational institution, with a global perspective and an identity of defending the country.
This inauguration is part of an effort to increase student involvement in extracurricular activities, which are believed to provide valuable experience in leadership, teamwork, and soft skills development.
Through this step, UPNVJ wants to ensure that student organizations, UKM, and scholarship forums can run well, productively, and provide direct benefits to all students.
Name and Position of Inducted Student:
Muhammad Sadam Syahir - Chairman of the Student Consultative Assembly
Kaleb Otniel Aritonang - Chairman of the Student Executive Board
Dihya Rausan Haqqi - Chair of the UKM Uswah Campus Preaching Institute
Reynaya Amanda Vania Sitohang - Chair of the Christian Student Association (PMK) AGAPE UKM
Dianingtas Hartono Simajorang - Chair of the Catholic Student Family (KMK) UKM
I Putu Wisnu Ardana - Chairman of the Hindu Dharma Student Association (KMHD)
Azka Irtikha Radhin - Chair of the Jakarta Veteran Dance Arts UKM (STVJ)
Hana Zuhria Hanum - Chair of the Gita Advayatva Student Choir UKM (PSM GA)
Nasywa Dwi Ayu Suhendi - Chair of the Green Theatre UKM Five One (THLS)
Araia Handaru Balya Dalimunthe - Head of the UPN Veteran Band UKM
Hilmi Harja Munawar - Head of UKM Master of Ceremony (MC)
Nadia Indah Ramadhani - Head of UKM UPN Photography & Videography (UFO)
Syifa Aulia Al Mustofa - Chair of the Student Press Institute UKM Aspirasi
Dini Antika - Head of Student Regiment UKM (Menwa)
Firda Niken Trijayanti - Chair of the UKM Voluntary Corps of the Indonesian Red Cross, UPN Veteran Jakarta Unit
Nadia Nugrahani - Chair of the Student Activity Unit for Nature Lovers (MAPALA)
Ahmad Harsya Alindra - Chairman of the Bidikmisi Student Forum KIPK UPN Veteran Jakarta
Jesika Papinka Salsabila - Chair of the Jakarta Card Forum for Excellent Students (FKJMU)
Muhammad Naufal Zidki - Chair of the UKM Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) UPN Veteran Jakarta
Salma Putri Aditian - Chair of UKM Veterance Conference
Christian Parjolo Claus Siahaan - Chairman of the Jakarta Veteran Chess UKM (CUVETJA)
Akbar Fitriansyah Prakoso - Chairman of the UKM Veteran Jakarta Electronic Sports (E-Sports)
Mahia Albar Ikwanto - Chairman of the Veteran Football UKM
Kanaya Salsabila Achbar - Chair of the Jakarta Veteran Badminton UKM (BUVEJA)
Muhammad Andriansyah, Head of the Jakarta Veteran Student Volleyball UKM (VIMAVEJA)
Jessi Theodora Wulan Siringoringo - Chair of Jakarta Veteran Basketball UKM (BVJ)
Prajka Ramadhani Asy Sybli - Chairperson of the Jakarta Veteran Taekwondo UKM (TAVEJA)
Wahid Oktovian - Chairman of the Jakarta Veteran Pencak Silat UKM (PSVJ)
Muhammad Albar Yudistyo - Head of the Tarung Derajat UKM, UPN Veteran Jakarta Training Center