UPNVJ Holds the Isra Mi'raj Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1440 H


The "Veteran" Jakarta National Development University (UPNVJ) held a commemoration event for the Isra Mi'raj 1440 H filled with religious lectures by the professor of jurisprudence at UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Amin Suma, SH, MA, MM which took place at the Garuda Auditorium, UPNVJ Yos Sudarso Building on Friday (29/3/2019).

The Isra Mi'raj commemoration was also attended by Vice Chancellor II Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP, Head of General Affairs and Finance Bureau Drs. Sugeng, Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service Dr. Retno Dyah Kusumastuti, MSi, Faculty Deans, Deputy Deans and Employees and UPN "veteran" Jakarta students.

In his lecture Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Amin Suma also revealed that all the values of Isra Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad SAW are very much to be carried out in everyday life, he also emphasized the five points of work culture that UPNVJ has to continue to implement because it is one of the values that can be quoted from Isra Mi'raj.

"Professional, Integrity, Struggle, Innovative, Responsive continue to be carried out by all employees or students because all of these points have many meanings, one of which is from the side of Islamic law and in the Isra Mi'raj incident," he said

Meanwhile the Chief Executive Drs. H. Nizom Zaini, M.Pd.i said that holding the Isra Mi'raj commemoration hopes that it can trigger the enthusiasm and motivation of all UPNVJ employees to work lillahi ta'ala.

He also added that the Chancellor and his staff really support religious events like this and later other Islamic holiday activities will be held in a grand manner.




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