For Better Change, UPNVJ BEM Holds 2019 Student Aspirations Forum


HumasUPNVJ - UPNVJ Student Executive Board held FAM - Student Aspirations Forum with a vision to change the campus for the better. This forum was held at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium Lt.4 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (20/5/2019).


The Student Aspirations Forum was attended by the Chancellor, vice Chancellors and their staff. Astatantica Belly Stanio as head of BEM U expressed his gratitude to University officials who took the time to attend and have the same enthusiasm to make UPNVJ even better. Similar to the head of BEM U, UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati Ak, CPMA, CA also gave appreciation to students, especially BEM University who had organized a forum like this, she also conveyed

"I do see a common vision between campus managers and students, namely wanting a change for the better." He also hopes that with this discussion forum, the obstacles experienced can find the best solution, "Hopefully in the future activities like this can be carried out more optimally so that all aspirations from students can be heard as a whole as University leaders." he said.

The event continued with a presentation session and then continued with a joint discussion.

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