Plagiarism Literacy Program Training in the UPNVJ Environment


HumasUPNVJ - Tuesday, May 21 2019, approximately 42 lecturers and education staff (from the academic and student affairs sub-division) took part in the Plagiarism Literacy program at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The lecturers and education staff present had previously received training in using the Turnitin application to check the level of plagiarism in scientific manuscripts or works using the concept of a similarity index. Thus, turnitin account holders at UPNVJ are also equipped with the knowledge and skills to check plagiarism levels manually.


According to the vice chancellor for academic affairs, Dr. Anter Venus, who is also an instructor in the literacy program "An understanding of plagiarism is urgently needed in Higher Education, especially at UPNVJ, because as a knowledge-producing institution, Higher Education is required to act honestly, correctly and with integrity by respecting Intellectual Property Rights (HaKi) in the form of ideas, theories, opinions, concepts or themes from other higher education residents. he said.


The act of plagiarism can be equated with the act of stealing or corruption in the form of plagiarizing other people's ideas/scientific work without mentioning the source and even intending to eliminate the original source by claiming the work as his own.

The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has issued various regulations to prevent plagiarism in higher education, including: Law No: 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education (Article 42), Government Regulation No: 60 of 1999 concerning Higher Education, Circular Letter of the Director General of Higher Education No: 3298 concerning Efforts to Prevent Plagiarism, and Regulation of the Minister of National Education No: 17/2010 concerning Prevention and Management of Plagiarism in Higher Education.


"The punishment for those who commit acts of plagiarism is to revoke the degree or diploma that has been awarded if this is related to the act of plagiarism on thesis or thesis or other final assignments." Say Anther Venus further.

In this semester, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta is gradually starting to implement the obligation to examine turnitin for each thesis/thesis or final assignment for the diploma program to ensure that all scientific work within UPNVJ is free from plagiarism.

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​Preventing Plagiarism, UPNVJ Conducts Application Training (Turnitin)