​Preventing Plagiarism, UPNVJ Conducts Application Training (Turnitin)


HumasUPNVJ - As we already know, the world of education, the library is one of the traffic speeds of information and is one of the places where activities for compiling scientific papers or works are produced. Based on this, the UPN Veteran Jakarta Central Library in collaboration with IGROUP (ASIA - PACIFIC) LTD held Anti Plagiarism Application Training (Turnitin) at Nusantara 1 Rectorate Building, Tuesday (21/05/19)

PLAGIATRSM_(1).JPG The event was attended by 42 lecturers and education staff at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. In this case, Anter Venus, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, said " This activity is carried out to reduce plagiarism at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and in this training we will use tools (Turnitin), because with these tools we can detect whether the manuscript already exists and is the same as or not in the data bank. This tool is very important for PTN in the framework of practical and fast prevention, because with 5 minutes we can find out the similarity level of a manuscript and we can find out the source of the similarity. If the level of similarity is 30%, then it is said that it is still accepted or eligible to be a plagiarism-free thesis, but if it exceeds this number, the thesis must be changed. And for journals it has a maximum similarity rate of 25%. We are starting to implement it in the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta environment. This measure was taken to prevent works documented in the library, in fact containing elements of plagiarism, of course this is the homework of the entire academic community to combat this." he said.

This training was directly conducted by Sastriyati, SE from IGROUP (ASIA – PACIFIC) LTD. In practice, he conveyed the concept of (Turnitin), features, and direct practice of using an account (Turnitin). With this feature, it is hoped that UPN "Veteran" Jakarta will avoid plagiarism activities.


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