UPNVJ Holds Socialization of Study Program Accreditation Instruments (IAPS) 4.0


HumasUPNVJ - In order to improve accreditation in each faculty, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta held an IAPS 4.0 Socialization activity by inviting Suparto, M.Ed., Ph.D (BAN PT Assessor) as a resource person on Wednesday yesterday at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Building UPNVJ ( 22/05/19).

Participants who attended this activity were the Deans, Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, and Heads of Study Programs from each faculty. Quality measurement is more focused on the process, output, and outcome aspects, while the previous instrument only measured the input aspect.

In giving his material, Suparto again explained the standards and criteria for BAN PT instruments before and after the 2015 SN Dikti (Permenristekdikti No. 44 2015). The IAPS socialization this time is more focused on output and outcame which not only looks at the quantity of tertiary institutions but is also aimed at seeing their quality. In addition, IAPS 4.0 also consists of a Self-Evaluation Report (LED) and an Academic Performance Report (LKA). "Currently, the results of IAPS 4.0 accreditation will be expressed in the form of accreditation status and accredited rating as: Accredited status: Accredited or Not Accredited and Accredited Rating: Good, Excellent, and Excellent". he said.


The IAPS 4.0 socialization activity was followed by a question and answer session and closed with a group photo.


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