UPNVJ D3 Program CAMABA Admissions Open


In addition to the Undergraduate program, the admissions system for new student candidates at the Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University (UPNVJ) for the 2019/2020 Academic Year also accepts prospective students from the Diploma Three (D3) Program. Thursday, (9/5)
In accordance with the announcement by the Chancellor of UPNVJ number: 24/un61.1/pg/2019 regarding the admission of new students for the diploma three (D-3) program through independent selection, there are several important requirements and dates that must be considered by prospective new students, including:
1. UPNVJ SM D-3 Program Registration Requirements :
a. Indonesian Citizens or Foreign Citizens
b. Graduated from Senior High School (SMA), Vocational School (SMK), Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and Foreign School equivalent to SMA/SMK (provided that you have a diploma equivalent certificate from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education).
c. Each prospective participant can choose 2 (two) Study Programs
d. For those who choose the D-3 Accounting and D-3 Banking and Finance study programs come from SMA/MA IPA, SMA/MA IPS, SMA/MA LANGUAGE and SMK/MA
e. For those who choose the Information Systems D-3 Study Program come from SMA/MA IPA, SMA/MA IPS, SMK/MA (Computer Science, Multimedia and Information and Communication Technology)
f. For those who choose the D-3 Nursing and D-3 Physiotherapy study programs come from SMA / MA IPA, SMK (Health)

2. UPNVJ SM D-3 Program Registration Schedule:
Registration for the 2019 SM UPNVJ Diploma Three (D-3) program starts May 9 2019 to June 16 2019, carried out online via the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta new student admission registration website https://penregistran.upnvj.ac.id /

3. UPNVJ SM D-3 Program Registration Fee:
The registration fee for the 2019 SM UPNVJ Diploma Three (D-3) program is Rp. 300,000 (three hundred thousand rupiah).
Payments can be made at BNI via (Teller, ATM and Internet Banking). Registration fees that have been paid are not refunded. Payment instructions can be seen at https://penmaru.upnvj.ac.id/cara-pempembean

4. Procedure for Registration for the D-3 SM UPNVJ Program:
1. Registrants enter their full name, date of birth, cellphone number, email to get a Form Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN).
2. Registrants receive a Form Number and PIN via email.
3. Registrants make payments to activate the PIN.
4. After making a payment, the Form Number and PIN can be used to log in and continue with the following steps:
a. Upload a passport photo
b. Fill in personal data (Biodata and data of parents/guardians)
c. Fill in the school data
d. Choose study program options 1 and 2
e. Check the data that has been filled in, if it is appropriate click Submit
f. Print Diploma Three program Participant Cards (UMNVJ SM Participant Number)

5. Important Schedule for D-3 SM UPNVJ Program:
Activities/Stages Important Dates
Registration Thursday, 9 May 2019 – Sunday, 16 June 2019
Print Exam Cards Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Computer Based Written Exam Thursday, 20 June 2019
Graduation Announcement Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Re-registration Friday, 12 July 2019

6. Graduation announcement :
Announcement of the results of the SM UPNVJ Diploma Three (D-3) program graduation on June 26 2019. Announced through the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta New Student Admission Registration website at https://penregistran.upnvj.ac.id/ by first logging in using Form Number and PIN.

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