246 Diploma III Independent Selection Participants Take the 2019 CBT Test


UPNVJ Public Relations - Implementation of the Independent Selection (SEMA) Diploma III Study Program UPN "Veteran" Jakarta was held on Thursday, June 20 2019. There is a difference for the D3 SEMA exam this year, namely the participants using the Computer based test (CBT).

Wawancara_Warek_II.jpg "Our team has prepared starting from the registration stage promotion, Examination and evaluation until later re-registration. This year for the Independent Selection (SEMA) Diploma III Program using a computer based test (CBT) means that participants work on questions on a computer device which will later be entered online into our system. We have prepared equipment, human resources, and Sarpras for the SEMA participants of the Diploma III Study Program," explained the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Antar Venus.

Antar Venus also added that in 2018 the exam will still use a paper-based test (PBT) and in 2019 it will be the start of CBT with the hope that it will be more efficient, economical, and still maintain the quality of the exam. In addition, there is a university policy that applies the go green principle. So that the use of paper can be reduced.

The implementation of the SEMA CBT exam for the Diploma III program was attended by 246 participants, with 106 science and technology exam groups, 96 social and 44 mixed sciences. The implementation of CBT SEMA D3 was carried out in 2 buildings, first the Faculty of Medicine building and the UPNVJ Central Library Building.

mandiri_D3_(2).jpeg According to Examination Participant Griselda Anisa from SMAN 8 Tangerang Selatan, the SEMA Diploma III exam application was very easy to understand so it didn't make it difficult for participants to operate it. "As for the level of difficulty regarding exam questions, in my opinion they are not too difficult and regarding the exam application it is very easy to understand for those of us who are just starting to use this CBT system. So that it doesn't make it difficult for us in the filling process from the initial login, answering the exam questions to the final completion," he said.

The implementation of CBT SEMA D3 was carried out in 2 sessions, the morning session starting at 08.00 and the afternoon session starting at 10.30. Announcement of graduation results will be delivered on Wednesday, June 26 2019 via the web registration.upnvj.ac.id.

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