UPNVJ Bachelor of Accounting Receives International Curriculum Accreditation from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)


Humas UPNVJ - The Accounting Curriculum of the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Accounting Study Program is in accordance with the KKNI standards (Indonesian National Qualifications Framework) where graduate learning outcomes consist of attitudes, knowledge and skills. Implementation of IQF in learning methods, besides that, students are required to take professional certification with national recognition ( National Recognize ), namely USKAD (Basic Accounting Certification Examination) from IAI (Indonesian Association of Accountants), Brevet AB from Professional Institutions under the Director General of Taxes (Purnawarman) , Zahir Certification, and Accounting Technician Certification from BNSP (National Professional Certification Agency) P3 standard.

IMG_0530.JPG The UPNVJ public relations team had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Dr. Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti, SE, M.Sc., CSRS, as head of the Accounting department and also part of the ACCA team for the Bachelor of Accounting study program. In her interview, Ni Putu Eka said that with global competition in the field of accounting for graduates of undergraduate accounting study programs, the UPNVJ Bachelor of Accounting study program was motivated to apply for International Curriculum Accreditation and conduct an MOU with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) whose head office in United Kingdom . Of course, thanks to the assistance from ACCA Country Head Indonesia, the UPNVJ Bachelor of Accounting study program curriculum recognition can be obtained. So, the S1 Accounting Curriculum is in accordance with the ACCA-Global Professional Qualification. By achieving this international accreditation, it will provide many benefits for Study Programs, Faculties and Universities, namely recognition/Legitimacy from Stakeholders for the competitiveness of undergraduate accounting study program graduates, as well as for recognition of Global Professional Qualification. In her interview, Ni Putu also explained the plans and targets for the next FEB UPNVJ Accounting department to be able to maintain what has been obtained so far, "After we achieve this international accreditation, we have a target to be able to maintain the accreditation of the Accounting study program from BAN PT, namely "A", and won the AUN QA Accreditation, and won the UPNVJ Institutional accreditation to be "A" and hopefully with this curriculum accreditation from ACCA it can change the quality of the tridarma of permanent lecturers, the quality of accounting graduates as a world class study program for the Bachelor in Accounting ”. he said

Ni Putu Eka also informed that the UPNVJ Bachelor of Accounting Study Program would hold a celebration as well as the signing of the MoU in order to obtain ACCA's international accreditation.


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