Coordination of Equal Perception of UPNVJ Academic Position Evaluation


UPNVJ Public Relations - Wednesday, June 19 2019, UPNVJ held coordination "Equal Perception of Academic Position Assessment" which was carried out in the Nusantara meeting room 1 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Rectorate Building. The activity was attended by the leadership and several lecturers totaling approximately 20 participants. The activity was attended by 2 speakers, including Moch. Panji Pujasakti, MT and Hikmat, SE.


The event was opened by remarks from the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, in his remarks he said "To follow up on the program from the Chancellor where we want acceleration in lecturers with criteria or validation of the head of the lector and lecturer, Mr. Panji Pujasakti has come with us who will later provide a briefing and information regarding our discussion today, namely the equalization of the perception of the assessment of academic positions. he said

In addition, he also conveyed information that as a PTNB, UPNVJ assigned approximately 117 of its lecturers to continue on to the Doctoral program. The point is that we always try to improve UPNVJ to be better than before.


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