RI Minister of Defense Gathering with Chancellor and Lecturer of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and IDU.


HumasUPNVJ - Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu accompanied by officials within the Indonesian Ministry of Defense held a friendly meeting with the Chancellor and Lecturer of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and the Defense University, Thursday (13/6), at the Ministry of Defense office Jakarta.

UPN Jakarta Chancellor Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA, Chancellor of UPN Yogyakarta Dr. Mohamad Irhas Effendi, MS and Chancellor of UPN Surabaya Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Fauzi, MMT, Chancellor of the Defense University Lieutenant General TNI Dr. Tri Legionosuko, S.IP, M.AP., as well as Lecturers and officials from the Ministry of Defense.


In his remarks, the Minister of Defense first wished all invited guests a Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1440 H. In addition, the Minister of Defense also said that there is an important task that must be carried out together, namely educating the younger generation with character and a complete national perspective.

"There is a common task to be able to educate the nation's future young generation who have the strength of integrity, a Pancasila personality, a strong mentality, tenacity and unyielding and stay away from corruption and radicalism for the betterment of the nation and country that we all love," said Ryamizard.

From the results of various surveys and research on forming cadres of leaders, it is concluded that character or integrity occupies the largest portion, namely 80%. This concept is very much in line with the Vision and Mission of UPN and IDU as State Defense Campuses, namely to become a Development Pioneer University based on the spirit of defending the country in the Global era. The spirit of defending the country here means that you must have integrity and strong character as patriots and fighters to oversee the nation-building process going forward.

"Therefore, the aspect of character building at UPN and UNHAN must be a priority so that in the future the Indonesian nation will become a nation with a great soul and character and is embedded with the Unitary Republic of Indonesia with a fixed price," said Ryamizard.

The Minister of Defense hopes that UPN and UHAN must also become pioneers and become templates for pilot projects for the formation of generations that will be prepared to oversee the development process in Indonesia on all fronts towards a just, prosperous and prosperous Indonesia. So that as a candidate for Indonesian leader, in the future, have a consistent identity in defending Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

In closing, the Minister of Defense emphasized that universities in Indonesia should not only produce bright young intellectuals but also produce future national leaders who have statesmanship, namely having love for the motherland, being willing to sacrifice for the nation and the State, being loyal to Pancasila and the ideals of the State. In this way, there will be a cadre of leaders who will always be at the forefront in fighting for the interests of the nation above their personal and group interests.

The Minister of Defense also reminded that in implementing and fostering state defense so that they can continue to coordinate with related institutions in the regions as agreed, namely with the TNI, Polri, regional government and related institutions.


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