LPPM UPNVJ Signs PKS with 4 Agencies in the Regional Government of Serang Regency


Following up on the Memorandum of Understanding between UPN "Veteran" Jakarta and the regional government of Serang Regency, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UPN "Veteran" Jakarta signed a cooperation agreement with 4 (four) agencies within the District Government, Monday (24/6).

The signing of the PKS was carried out by Dr. Retno Dyah Kusumastuti, MSi, as the Head of the UPNVJ Research and Community Service Institute with Dr. H. Rachmat Maulana, S.Sos, M.Sc, Serang Regency Regional Development Planning Agency, Abdul Wahid, Head of the Industry and Trade Cooperative Service, Hamdani, Head of the Youth Sports and Tourism Service, Sri Nur Hayati Director of Serang Hospital.


Also present to witness the event was Dr. Ir. Halim Mahfudh, M.Sc UPNVJ Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, and several heads of offices in the Serang Regency environment.

The Director of the Serang Hospital, Sri Nur Hayati said he was very pleased with this PKS, “I personally feel happy with this PKS, especially now that we are fostering the community and building a hospital in the Tanara sub-district. We are very open to UPNVJ if they later take part in the coaching, such as students who want Field Work Practices (PKL) and Real Work Lectures (KKN)." Obviously.


It's the same with Hamdani, Head of the Youth Sports and Tourism Office. He said that for the initial stages of the PKS, the focus was on promotion in the tourism sector, "According to the agreement that was signed, I want a collaboration, especially with regard to the promotion of tourism potential in Serang Regency. Many tourist attractions are scattered in Serang Regency. Especially now that we are developing religious tourism, namely in the Tanara sub-district, to be precise in the area of Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani.


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