HumasUPNVJ - Jakarta Veterans National Development University held a DIGITAL VILLAGE Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN) in Cimanggu Pandeglang District on July 15 - August 8 2019. This program is a collaborative activity between UPN Veteran Jakarta and the Directorate General of Development of Disadvantaged Areas of the Ministry of Village PDTT RI and BAKTI Kominfo which is expected to support the accelerated development of underdeveloped villages.
This is in line with the vision and mission of the Chancellor of UPNVJ, Erna Hernawati in order to make a real contribution to the development of disadvantaged areas. To achieve this target, Chancellor Erna Hernawati continuously reminded UPNVJ lecturers and students that community service activities must be sustainable, measurable and of course the community can feel the impact. KKN is expected to be one of several community service activities that are being developed by UPNVJ.
Retno Dyah Kusumastuti, Head of LPPM UPNVJ, said this activity was a form of our campus' dedication to the community according to the mandate that had been given to UPN Veteran Jakarta as a State Defense Campus. The team of KKN students who took part in this program totaled 33 people from various study programs within UPNVJ including the study programs of Communication Studies, Public Health, Management, Naval Architecture, Information Technology, Nutrition and Nursing. Voluntary participation in this activity can be a means of student learning about the challenges faced by society today. "We hope that the use of information and communication technology through the Thematic KKN will make a positive contribution to the village economy," Retno continued.
Meanwhile, the Director General for Development of Disadvantaged Regions (PDT) of the Ministry of Village PDTT RI, Samsul Widodo is one who pays serious attention to the utilization of information and communication technology in development programs in disadvantaged areas. Several programs facilitated by Samsul have received public appreciation, including Aruna, a local subsidiary startup that focuses on digital marketing of fisherman products. Aruna was one of the topics discussed by President Joko Widodo at the ASEAN meeting some time ago.
The UPN Veteran Jakarta Digital Village Thematic KKN activities in Pandeglang Regency will support the development of village website content, online promotion of village business potential, digital libraries and village administration services. Support for internet network facilities and infrastructure in this activity was provided by BAKTI Kominfo as a Public Service Agency formed by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. On this occasion, the Ministry of Village Directorate General of PDT led by Director of Facilities and Infrastructure Agus Kuncoro also made a direct visit to the KKN location to discuss with students.
This activity was officially opened Monday, 07/15/2019 by the Cimanggu Sub-District Head and was also attended by the Cimanggu Police Chief, Heads of Waringin Kurung, Cimanggu and Tangkilsari Villages.