HumasUPNVJ- Every 17th UPN "Veteran" Jakarta routinely holds a flag ceremony. This time the flag ceremony was held at the Ceremony Field in front of the dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo (FK) UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The ceremony started at 07:30 WIB and went solemnly and smoothly. Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP as Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance acting as Ceremony Coach, Ade Nur Rohim, SHI, MEI serving as Ceremonial Officer, Andy Setiawan, Spd, M, Ak serving as Ceremony Leader, Ekawati Jati Wibawaningsih , SE, Ak, M, Acc served as Host, student representatives Dinna Nurbaeti, Syaindita Febriana, Rafika Devy served as Flag Raiser, Andi Manggala Putra, SE, M. Si served as Reader of the 1945 Constitution, Muhammad Anwar Fathoni, Lc, MA served as Prayer Reading and Ristia Ika Asnia, SH served as Conductor. The flag ceremony this time was attended by 394 UPNVJ employees including Vice Chancellors, Deans/Dir PPs, Head of Working Units, and Education Staff as well as 531 UPNVJ students. (17/7/19)
This ritual activity which is carried out regularly has a very important meaning and purpose, apart from being a reminder of the services and respect for the struggle of the NKRI fighters as well as one of the efforts to implement UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as a state defense campus.
In his remarks, the Chancellor of UPNVJ, which was read by the Ceremony Coach, conveyed some information, such as the results of the selection to enter with the PTN (SBMPTN), preparations for the implementation of the TA odd semester lectures. 2019/2020, calls on all employees to have a high commitment and awareness to concretely improve excellent service and PIKIR culture. He also hopes that the flag ceremony which is held regularly can have many benefits for all of us. he said.