Since this morning the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta (UPNVJ) ceremonial field has been filled with employees and residents who will carry out the Eid al-Adha prayer. Sunday, (11/8/19).
The Eid al-Adha prayer activity was held for the first time in the UPNVJ environment, and was immediately assembled by slaughtering sacrificial animals to be distributed to the eligible residents in the environment around UPNVJ.
"On behalf of the Chancellor, I would like to thank the committee for carrying out this activity. Hopefully this activity can be continued in the following years and better.” said Dr. Dr. Prasetyo Hadi, SE., MM., CFMP
Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin, MA (Professor of UIN Jakarta) acted as priest and khotib during the Eid al-Adha prayer with the theme "Eid al-Adha values in increasing the resilience of aqidah and national security".
After the prayer, it was continued with the symbolic handing over of the sacrificial animals from the UPNVJ leadership to Drs. H. Nizom Zaini, M.Pd.i as chairman of the committee.
"This year, God willing, there will be around 4 cows and 4 goats. We hope that in the future it will be able to reach all residents and employees who really need it," said Chief Executive Drs. H. Nizom Zaini, M.Pd.i.