UPNVJ's Gita Advayatva Won 2 Categories at the 6th Singapore International Choral Festival 2019


HumasUPNVJ - This year, in August 2019, PSM Gita Advayatva has again made achievements not only at the National level but even at the International level. On 31 July 2019, the choir competition team of 39 people and 1 coach left for Singapore to take part in the 6th Singapore International Choral Festival 2019 competition.

The 6th Singapore International Choral Festival is an international choir competition held in Singapore on 1 - 4 August 2019 which is attended by choirs from many countries, such as Hong Kong, Singapore , Indonesia , China , and others and will be judged by the international jury from various countries.


This is the inaugural competition for PSM Gita Advayatva at the international level which will be held overseas. This inaugural competition made the members try relentlessly and never give up in training so they can give the best performance in Singapore. Gita Advayatva took part in 2 categories in the 2019 Singapore International Choral Festival competition. Gita Advayatva won 2nd place in the Equal Voices category and 3rd place in the Mixed Voices category and brought home 2 Silver Medals to Indonesia.


In the Equal Voices category, Gita Advayatva performed 3 songs consisting of: Spring - The Sweet Spiring, Away Thou Shalt Not Love Me , Pagi. And in the Mixed Voices category, Gita Advayatva performed 3 songs consisting of : If Music Be The Food Of Love, Twa Tanbou, and Janger.

The success of Gita Advayatva in foreign competitions was not spared from the support and assistance of the Chancellor and the UPNVJ leadership, Trainer and Conductor namely Kenar Pradipto, Choir Supervisor namely Ms. Alfida Aziz, SE, MM., Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta and their Staff, Parents of each student who is a member of the Competition team, Alumni, as well as parties who are willing to become sponsors.

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