Ahead of the 63rd Graduation, Candidates for Graduates Conduct a Dress Rehearsal

HumasUPNVJ - Approaching the 63rd Graduation ceremony, approximately 800 prospective UPN "veteran" Jakarta graduates took part in a dress rehearsal at the UPN "Veteran" Jakarta Rector Auditorium, on Thursday, September 26, 2019.


This dress rehearsal is a rehearsal for the 63rd graduation procession which will later be held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) with a total of 1,218 graduates that have been recorded. The event which lasted for 2 hours consisted of several briefings and graduation simulations including how to wear the toga properly, how to take folders and technical details regarding the overall graduation procession. Submission of rules and implementation information was delivered directly by Catur Nugrahaeni as the event committee.

Gladi_bersih_63_(4).JPG In this case Suyatno as the Head of the AKPK Bureau who is also the Chair of the Committee said that this activity was very important for graduates so that there were no mistakes in the graduation process later. " This dress rehearsal is very important for you, so please pay close attention so that the graduation procession can run smoothly, " he said.

right above the head and graduates are also required to come 15 minutes before the event starts, because if the event is already underway the graduates are not allowed to enter the graduation room.

In this dress rehearsal, the prospective graduates solemnly paid close attention to the simulation carried out by the committee and representatives of the graduates in the hope that there would be no mistakes in the graduation procession later.

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