HumasUPNVJ – Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta Dr. Erna Hernawati., Ak., CPMA., CA inaugurated 1,218 graduates, which was held at the Jakarta Convention Center, Saturday (28/9/19).
The 1,218 graduates came from 23 study programs consisting of 265 Diploma Three graduates, 795 Bachelor graduates, 29 Doctor Profession graduates, 61 Nurse Professions and 68 Masters graduates. Up to the 63rd Graduation Ceremony UPN "Veteran" Jakarta has produced 51,880 graduates who are spread across various government and private agencies both at home and abroad. The 63rd Graduation Ceremony of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta for the 2018/2019 Academic Year carries the theme: "Graduates of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta: Spirit of Defending the Country, Creative and Competitive Facing the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0"
In his remarks, the Chancellor conveyed a number of things related to the increasing achievement of UPNVJ from year to year and also gave a motivational spirit to all graduates who will face the world of work, "We congratulate the graduates, and the highest respect to the parents /Guardians of graduates, for their trust in educating and providing knowledge to your sons/daughters. We are fully aware that the knowledge given to you is far from sufficient, but we are sure that we have equipped you to be a person who always wants to learn, always wants to improve his quality so that he can continue to stand tall in an ever-changing era.” he said
In addition, in his remarks the Chancellor also informed that this year, UPNVJ was again giving the "Karya Mahardiika" award to the seven best graduates, "Realizing that currently what graduates need to be able to compete is not only determined by the achievement of the Grade Point Average but also determined by the ability soft skills , then for the second time, UPNVJ gave the Mahardika Work award to graduates who excel in academic and non-academic fields. The word Mahardika used for the name of this award means "Scientific and Virtuous ". That is our true hope for all graduates of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. It is not enough for UPNVJ graduates to have mastery in the field of science, but the most important thing is to have noble morals.” Close it
Also present were several guests of honor at the 63rd graduation ceremony, Dr. Muhammad Dimyati, as Director General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education, Director of the Veterans of the Minister of Defense. Brigadier General TNI Haryadi, S.IP and Mr. Yayan as Assistant for General Administration for the Mayor of Depok.