Increasing Student Creativity, FEB Holds Banker's Day 2019

HumasUPNVJ - In order to increase the creativity and quality of critical thinking from students, the UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business which is incorporated in the D3 Finance and Banking Study Program Student Association held a Banker's Day which was held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Building UPNVJ. (18/9/19)

Banker's Day is a routine activity every year, and from year to year this activity has a different theme. This year, Banker's Day has the overall theme, namely “ Millennial's Digital Movement for revolution ”. According to the chief executive for this year's Banker's Day , Maylia Tri Kusumawati , this activity was held not only to increase student creativity but also to bring the good name of UPNVJ all students who are participants, especially FEB students, can be more critical and creative in the future.” he said

Apart from that, Maylia also hopes that next year banker's days will be even more innovative, “What is certain is that next year's banker's day will be better than this, the events will be more varied and more creative”. Close it

bankers_day_(1).JPG Banker's day was opened by remarks by Suharyati as Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance FEB who represented the Dean. In his remarks he expressed his appreciation to all the banker's day organizing committee involved. “To the committee, thank you for your cooperation so that this routine event can be held every year, especially this year. Hopefully UPNVJ students, especially FEB students, can be more critical and creative in facing the current economic challenges.” he said

bankers_day_(3).JPG There are several series of activities on banker's day this time, namely the national debate, futsal cup , bazaar, and national seminar which will be held today. For national seminars, filled by speakers who are already experts in their respective fields. The keynote speaker invited was Yuke Sri Rahayu, S.sos., MA as the Director of Banking Access at the Creative Economy Agency. In addition, the speakers who attended were Yanra Rahmaisa Putra, ST as Commercial Sales Advisory Manager , Handy Putranto as Product Specialist (DANA), Umi Kawiryani Tjiptoningsih as Expert in Fintech Center Project at OJK.

This banker's day activity also involved high school students from all over Jabodetabek, especially in the futsal cup. Several high schools participated as participants, including SMA 341 Jakarta, SMA 5 Depok, SMA Said Naum, SMK Budiwarman 2, SMK 41, Bunda Kandung High School Jakarta, SMA PGRI 3, SMA 57 Jakarta, SMA 32 Jakarta, SMA 23 Jakarta, SMA 9 Depok, SMA 74 Jakarta, SMA Sejahtera 1 Depok and SMA Bhayangkari.


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