HumasUPNVJ - In order to increase knowledge and gain insight into campus life, UPNVJ received a visit from 214 students from SMA Negeri 73 Jakarta, Thursday 17 October 2019.
Visit / Study Campus activities of SMAN 73 Jakarta were held at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium Building, Lt. 4 UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Present at the event were the Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, the Head of the AKPK Bureau, and his staff.
Vice Principal of SMAN 73, Mr. Nur Ikhsani S.pd expressed his gratitude for the acceptance from UPNVJ in his remarks, "Thank God we can stay in touch at the State Defense Campus, UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. Thank you for the very good opportunity and welcome given to us. Our purpose in coming here is besides wanting to stay in touch, we also want to get information available at the Bela Negara Campus, both information about entry routes and other information about UPNVJ. We hope that God willing, the 73 Jakarta State High School students who are present here can qualify to study at UPN "Veteran" Jakarta later so that more and more 73 alumni can gain knowledge on this campus." he said
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. dr. Ria Maria Theresa, SpKJ., MH representing the Chancellor provided general information about UPNVJ in her remarks, "We need to inform you, from year to year UPNVJ always tries to improve existing achievements. We will continue to improve campus and faculty accreditation, as well as existing facilities. Thank you for visiting SMAN 73 Jakarta to UPNVJ. We hope that the information from the presentation that will be provided by the AKPK Bureau Head can be useful information in the future. After the activity at the Bhinneka Auditorium Building, SMAN 73 Jakarta students accompanied by student representatives from the University's BEM made visits to faculties in the UPNVJ environment. he said
The activity continued with a presentation from the Head of the Bureau for Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation (AKPK), Dr. Drs. Suyatno in his presentation conveyed several things, including information about the history of UPNVJ, existing entry routes, available faculties and study programs and other general information.
The students of SMA Negeri 73 made visits to several faculties, such as FIK, FH, FK, Social Sciences and FEB as well as visiting the Central Library, Mash Class Room, TV Laboratory , Radio, Stock Exchange and Mini Bank.