HumasUPNVJ - The role of family business in defending the country is the theme of the oration delivered at the inauguration of Prof. Dr. Dr. med. dr. AB Susanto, SE, MA, CPM in the Open Senate Meeting of Inauguration of Non-Permanent Professors of the Faculty of Economics and Business, National Development University, "Veteran" Jakarta. The inauguration speech entitled "The Role of Family Business in State Defense Management from a Strategic Management Viewpoint" was delivered at the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Auditorium, Jenderal Sudirman Building, Jakarta "Veteran" National Development University which was delivered on November 7, 2019.
In his oration, AB Susanto explained that at first glance, it seemed that there was no relationship between Family Business and State Defense Management. However, if we take a closer look, there is a close connection between defending the country and family business. Especially if state defense is interpreted in the context of supporting state resilience in a broad sense, namely how the state has sovereignty from various sides, economic sovereignty, information and various other aspects so that it is not dependent on other countries. So defending the country is an effort so that our country has resilience, not only in the military field, but also in the economic, social, food, health, energy, employment, information and various other factors needed by Indonesia to be strong and competitive in the global order. . It is in this context that the family business has a significant role.
The concept of national resilience has experienced an expansion of meaning, into various dimensions, including the socio-economic dimension. To support national resilience, a strong economy is needed, a high level of welfare and adequate employment opportunities are available. So that defending the country is not only limited to defending the country when it is attacked by other countries, but how to struggle to build a strong economy, fight to provide jobs, and struggle to create prosperity. With a strong economy, a country can buy defense equipment to strengthen its defense.
This role is filled by family businesses, which around the world have proven to be a driving force for the economy and a contributor to job creation. In South Korea, for example, family businesses have become the driving force of the economy and made this country a leading industrial country. If family businesses experience difficulties, the multiplier effect will affect employment, tax revenues, and an economic slowdown. Thus a family business must be healthy and grow sustainably, in order to contribute to job creation and economic growth. So the concept of defending the country in a family business is striving so that the business is strong and always growing, can create jobs, pay taxes and contribute to the country's economic growth, which will lead to job creation.
Furthermore, AB Susanto emphasized the importance of family business challenges, namely maintaining the continuity of its business across generations, so that it must implement management that meets the principles of strategic management.
The event continued with remarks from Prof. Dr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, who had served as the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the Chancellor of UPN "Veteran" Jakarta, Dr. Erna Hernawati, Ak, CPMA, CA.