HumasUPNVJ - The Spirit of Defending the Country, UPNVJ MKWU lecturers are still enthusiastic about participating in the second day of the Integrative Implementation of State Defense Identity and MKWU Development workshop which took place at the Aston Hotel Jakarta, Thursday 11/28/2019.
UPNVJ presents Yudhi Latif as a guest speaker in this workshop where he is a young activist and scholar and as Chair of the Center for Islamic and State-Indonesian Studies (PSIK-Indonesia) and Executive Director, Reform Institute .
In the material he delivered, State Defense was the main point, "State Defense is pluralism. Defending the country is the attitude and behavior of citizens who have a sense of love for their country in accordance with the ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. To defend the country in the future, we must create an Indonesia that is capable of meeting the needs of its people.” he said
Therefore, State Defense should be an extraordinary compulsory subject that attracts many students.
In addition, he also conveyed the six core values of public morality according to Jonathan Haidt (2012): care - caring about dangers that threaten common safety, fairness - a sense of justice and decency, liberty - freedom by upholding basic human rights, loyalty - allegiance on institutions, traditions and consensus, authority - respect for authority that is mutually agreed upon and sancity - namely respect for values that are considered the most "sacred" (main).
"Love the environment, love the ecosystem is a true form of defending the country." Close it