The UPNVJ Public Relations Team Attends Education Socialization at Yaspen Tugu Ibu High School


HumasUPNVJ - In order to provide insight and dissemination of information about PTN entry for class XII students, SMA YASPEN Tugu Ibu I, Depok held an educational exhibition. This socialization activity was held at YASPEN Tugu Ibu I High School, Jl. Sentosa Raya No. 2 Central Depok II.

This socialization was attended by class XII students who enthusiastically listened to the presentation from the UPNVJ public relations team to add information regarding UPN "Veteran" Jakarta. The UPNVJ public relations team explained about the faculties and facilities in the UPNVJ environment, information on scholarships, student activity units and achievements that have been achieved by UPNVJ students as well as information on PTN entry routes.

In addition to socialization, UPNVJ also opened a booth at the Yaspen Tugu Ibu high school ceremony field to make it easier for students to ask questions directly to the public relations team who attended. Also present were the London School of Public Relations , Mercubuana University, President University and several other PTS.

This activity is very useful for providing information to class XII students so they can prepare themselves for the National Examination and then on to the next phase of education.






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