Improving Employee Professionalism, UPNVJ Conducts Training for CPNS and PNS Employees


HumasUPNVJ - In order to form high professionalism and commitment to UPN Veteran Jakarta lecturers, vice chancellor for academic affairs Dr. Anter Venus, MA, Comm held development activities for PNS and CPNS employees in the UPN Veteran Jakarta environment. The activity, which was held in the Nusantara Meeting Room 1 at UPNVJ Pondok Labu Campus, invited 60 civil servants and civil servants including lecturers and education staff.

PNS and CPNS development is routine, which is carried out every quarter. In the coaching carried out there are several materials provided and will be gradual, where the current stage discusses the teaching profession, lecturer discipline and the direction of the teaching profession

The main material presented by Anter Venus ma is the two modes of becoming a lecturer. In this case, the leadership wants to know the main motivation for someone to become a lecturer.

"There are those who motivate themselves to only "have" meaning they only want to seek the status of a lecturer and we don't want this motivation because the initial motivation was that they just wanted to have status and people like this will find it difficult to develop. Then the second motivation is "to be" meaning to think that being a lecturer requires a process for someone to grow and develop with this motivation. Lecturers who have the motivation "to be" must have a vision as to what the future target of the lecturer will be like," he said.


He also said that there were 14 traditional values of the university which would be instilled in all lecturers and civil servant education staff at UPN Veteran Jakarta. The university's traditional values include: Collegality, Respect for intellectual property, Academic freedom, Honesty, Critique, Tolerance, Reflection, Disputation, Exhaustive inquiry, Sceptism, Critical thinking, Openes, Specialized knowledge, An interest in knowledge for its own sake.

The main purpose of this training is for them to become professional academics, to guard the ideology of Pancasila/UUD45/NKRI and the Government, to apply employee discipline, to be an example of good citizen behavior, to be an example of implementing PIKIR work culture, to be competent and competitive employees for management/development. Institutions understand their world, especially lecturers, can understand and know what their profession really is like.

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