The Ceremony on Every 17th is a UPNVJ Form of Love for the Motherland


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta routinely holds a flag ceremony every month on the 17th. The ceremony starts at 07:30 WIB and is held at the Ceremony Field in front of Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo (FK) UPN Veteran Jakarta. This ceremonial activity which is carried out regularly is one of the efforts to implement UPN "Veteran" Jakarta as a state defense campus. Prasetyo Hadi as Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance acted as Ceremony Coach, Sarlan served as Ceremony Officer, M. Rohim served as Ceremony Leader, Rika Aprilina served as Host, female student representative Salisiyah Mardiyatun, Chyntia Permata, Nadya served as Flag Raiser, Hendrik Sine served as Reader of the 1945 Constitution, Saeful served as Reading Prayer and Ristia Ika Asnia served as Conductor. The flag ceremony this time was attended by 208 teaching staff, 465 education staff including the Vice Chancellors, Deans/Dir PPs, Head of Satker, and as many as 621 UPNVJ students. (17/1/20)


In the address of the Chancellor of UPNVJ which was read by the supervisor of the ceremony, Prasetyo Hadi conveyed several things related to the policies and priorities of the Academic, Student Affairs, Student Affairs, General Affairs and Finance sectors and conveyed the achievements that UPNVJ had achieved, "For the academic field, there are several commitments that have been we must implement it properly, one of which is the commitment to ensure the quality of learning, especially overseeing the quality of teaching lecturers. And for the student affairs sector to produce graduates who are competitive and achieve the target of >80% of graduates being absorbed, starting in 2020 an evaluation and reorientation of the ormawa work program will be carried out. Ormawa activities must be oriented towards achieving achievements, forming skills 4.0, cultivating the values of defending the country and preserving Indonesian culture." he said

In addition, for the General and Financial Sector, 2020 begins with establishing various policies, especially those related to HR. Prasetyo Hadi also gave his appreciation to the UPNVJ public relations team for having achieved such a proud achievement, "Starting 2020, a very encouraging achievement has been achieved by UPNVJ Public Relations at the Kemenristekdikti Public Relations Award in the PTN Satker group, namely ranking 2nd in the media relations category, ranking 3rd in the category social media and included in the top 3 nominations for the media relations category for cooperation in the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Public Relations Media Award, I hope UPNVJ will continue to improve its achievements." Close it


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