HumasUPNVJ - In order to increase competence in the field of lecturer research and ensure that UPN Veteran Jakarta lecturer research can be applied properly, the UPNVJ Faculty of Medicine is holding a Research Roadmap Workshop which is carried out at Gd. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Lt. 3 FK UPNVJ. (22/20)
FK UPNVJ invited two speakers who are experts in the field of research, namely Dr. Eng. Hotmatua Daulay., B. Eng., M. Eng as Director of Industrial Technology Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology and Dr. dr. Rahyussalim, SpOT(k) as the manager of Research and Community Service at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, which was attended by approximately 30 FK lecturers.
The event was opened by dr. Prijo as the Dean of FK UPNVJ and in his speech he hoped that in the future UPNVJ would be able to understand national research priorities. Dr. Hotmatua explained in his presentation regarding the Research Roadmap based on national research priorities, "National research priorities include Research Focus, Research Themes, Research Topics, Achievement Targets, Implementing Institutions and Budget Allocation Plans. In addition, the main factors that influence the mastery of science and technology through research and development activities are human resources, infrastructure and funding. This roadmap is organized to ensure that the research we have made can be implemented properly.” Obviously
dr. Rahyussalim the second resource person gave material on how to compile a research and community service roadmap , "There are several references to preparing a research roadmap that must be considered including, the National Research Master Plan, University Research Master Plan and Strategy Plan and Faculty Roadmap ". he said