Improving the Quality of Learning in the Digital Age, UPNVJ Holds a Workshop on Preparation of MKWU with E-Learning


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta Development, Learning and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) held a Workshop for lecturers supporting General Compulsory Courses (MKWU) on Wednesday (01/22/20) at the Unity in Diversity Auditorium UPNVJ. This event was the first time that LP3M was held by presenting a guest speaker, namely Rangga Firdaus, M.Kom, a Lecturer at FMIPA, University of Lampung.

The workshop which invited 42 MKWU lecturers raised the theme "Compilation of Learning Content for University Compulsory Courses (MKWU) by Utilizing E-Learning Based on State Defense Values". In his remarks, UPNVJ vice-chancellor for academic affairs Anter Venus conveyed that the main motivation for holding this activity was so that UPNVJ could enrich the student learning environment and create graduates who have a commitment to nationhood and love for the country.

We must always change, so change is a sure thing. This digital era has extraordinary changes, so we must change too. We are designing graduates who have national commitment and love for the motherland, we must also always enrich the learning environment wherever we go we learn something. everywhere around us is learning material. Make our campus environment a learning environment where there is information that adds insight, "he explained.

Anter Venus also added information about the UPN Veteran Jakarta Learning Transformation Strategy 4.0 which includes 10 strategies which include Expansion of learning resources, Flexibility of the curriculum, Connectivity of the world of work and world of experience, Diversity of interactive learning methods5, Enrichment of the learning environment, Strengthening the capacity and adaptability of lecturers, Focus 21st century skills, Strengthening learning networks, Strengthening internet and e-learning networks, Establishing media learning centers

E-Learning is one of the systemic approaches carried out by teaching lecturers in the teaching and learning process. The use of e-Learning itself is one of the media in active learning which is the application of the learning curriculum.


Rangga Firdaus as the resource person explained in full what implementations could be presented to students without changing the content of the learning material, only changing the delivery method to be more interesting and innovative. Not only that, the resource persons also provided direct practice to the lecturers on how to modify or create MKWU learning content that is in accordance with the current digital era.

"In this case the lecturers have their own point of view, have their own content and I only make sure that the content is in accordance with e-learning must have certain standards or rules so that the learning provided is more interactive, in accordance with the revolution and in accordance with the times, so that there is innovation from the lecturers in this learning ” explained Rangga when interviewed.

Rangga also stressed that it is not only lecturers who act in this matter, but there must be regulation, infrastructure and support from the university so that it can be carried out as expected, because the main problem is how can we deliver content that is interesting and understandable to students.

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