HumasUPNVJ - Having the desire to improve the quality of student work in this case internships, the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN Veterans Jakarta is collaborating with PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk in the field of education. The signing of this collaboration was attended by Anang Basuki ( Executive Vice President Chief Learning Officer ), R. Gatot Surjatmodjo ( Assistant Vice President ), Endah S. Rini (Leader of KCP Campus UPNVJ), Petrus FTP Tampubolon ( Vice President Dean of Business Academy ), Jovita Kristi Anturi ( Partnership Manager ), and representatives of the UPNVJ FEB leadership which was held in the UPNVJ Faculty of Economics and Business Meeting Room, Thursday. (23/20)
FEB Dean, Dr. Dian Wicaksih representing the Chancellor of UPNVJ expressed her gratitude and best wishes regarding the collaboration with BNI, "As a State University, we are required by the community to cooperate with many corporations to provide work experience to students. Because students need other learning resources apart from lecturers. The collaboration between UPNVJ and BNI has actually been established for a long time, therefore we are very pleased to be strengthening this collaboration again, especially in terms of apprenticeships. Thank you to BNI for giving us the opportunity, I hope that this collaboration will have a good impact on both parties. Hopefully in the future we will be able to improve the quality of UPNVJ's children in the banking world in particular." he said
Anang Basuki as BNI's Executive Vice President Chief Learning Officer also expressed his happiness that UPNVJ was collaborating to improve the quality of students, "Thank you for this well-facilitated meeting. Nothing is accidental, everything must have been determined. After discussing it, it turned out that BNI and UPNVJ had the same mission on how to play a role in advancing and educating the life of this nation. We also have an interest in meeting the needs of human resources at BNI, one of which is this apprenticeship program, both short term and long term. We are also required to have an apprenticeship program for approximately 6 months.” Anang explained
"So far we have collaborated with 60 universities, because we really hope to provide space for students in the field of education like this. We hope that this collaboration can provide many benefits and positive things, of course, in the field of education. Hopefully we can provide added value for FEB UPNVJ students who do internships at our place.” Close it