Monitor Dean Performance Targets, UPNVJ Chancellor Conducts Performance Evaluation of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

HumasUPNVJ - In general, the Dean's Performance Assessment is a process in which the chancellor and university staff evaluate the performance or performance of the dean and his staff with the aim of improving performance results. For this reason, the Chancellor held an Evaluation of the Achievement of the 2019 Performance Agreement for the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UPN Veterans Jakarta, on Friday (24/01/20) in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine UPNVJ.


As an opening, the Head of Planning and Cooperation of AKPK Bureau Hugeng Budianto presented his report. He conveyed that this performance agreement activity is a monitoring and evaluation of the 2019 faculty dean performance agreement where later if the leadership targets have been met, it will be followed by the signing of the 2020 dean performance with UPNVJ Chancellor.

" The UPNVJ dean's performance agreement program will continue to be carried out until the targeted results are achieved, if it is according to the target then all deans' performance will be signed with the Chancellor of UPN Veteran Jakarta. In the meantime, from the 35 indicators signed by the Chancellor and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, only 19 indicators have been achieved, with a progress of 54.28%," he explained.

Hugeng Budianto also added that for 2019, data collection was still manual. The Chancellor's hope for 2020 is that later there will be a system so that all data can be integrated with planning and evaluation, for now the AKPK Bureau has coordinated with the Faculty of Computer Science so that it can be implemented in 2020.


In this case UPNVJ Chancellor Erna Hernawati also said that this activity was a follow-up to activities at the beginning of 2019, namely the signing of a performance agreement between the Faculty Deans and UPN Veteran Jakarta Chancellor. This performance agreement is the targets that must be completed by the deans and their staff in the 2019 fiscal year.

"This Dean's performance agreement is not only the result of the Dean's leadership, but this is also the result of the accumulation of results across the Faculty of Medicine," he said.

The Chancellor also explained that at the time of measuring performance achievements in 2019 the characteristics were still the same, but for 2020 there needed to be input, because there were several indicators that had to be overseen by the dean himself which was not the same as other non-health faculties. Closing his remarks, the Chancellor hopes that in 2020 after providing the 2020 performance agreement draft to the dean, the dean and staff can provide escort in the process

According to the provisional results submitted, there are 19 indicators that have been achieved by the Faculty of Medicine, which include: Percentage of graduates with competence and profession certificates, Percentage of graduates on time, Average GPA of graduates, Number of students winning national level academic competitions, Number of students winning international-level academic competitions, Percentage of graduates who immediately work according to their fields, Percentage of students who drop out or resign (MDO), PDPT Reporting, Efforts to track and record graduate data, Academic Reporting, Percentage of educators who have competency/expertise certificates, Level presence of lecturers in teaching, SKP reports of permanent lecturers and education staff, Number of accredited national publications, Number of national publications, Number of HKI registered, Received grant awards, program funding and academic activities from national institutions (accompanied by evidence), Number of researches utilized by the community, Number of citations of permanent lecturers' scientific works.

With these results, the Chancellor hopes that not only the dean will be involved but all leadership components in the faculty can always contribute to the progress of the faculty.


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