HumasUPNVJ - The Chancellor and the leadership of UPN Veteran Jakarta held a Discussion Meeting on the Performance of the Dean of Social and Political Sciences which took place at Auditorium 101 of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UPNVJ, Lt. 1. The meeting was chaired by Suyatno as the Head of the UPNVJ Academic Bureau of Student Planning and Cooperation (AKPK), which was attended by the Dean of Social Sciences and his staff of 30 meeting participants. (27/20)
The event started with directions from the Chancellor of UPNVJ, in his direction he explained the purpose of this meeting was held "The purpose of this activity is so that the Dean and his staff can carry out strategic plans going forward. Every study program at UPNVJ must have guidelines for students, hopefully the challenges this year can inspire us to be better than in previous years.” he said
The Head of the Institute for Learning and Quality Assurance, Satria also said that this activity was an evaluation and a monitoring of the performance agreement of each dean within UPNVJ.
Meanwhile, the Dean of Social Sciences, Dudy Heryadi conveyed several things related to the action plan and realization of the 2019 Social Sciences performance agreement including the timely presentation of graduates, the average GPA of graduates, presentations of competency and professional certified graduates and the number of students trying.
This activity is expected to trigger the performance level of lecturers in the UPNVJ environment.