The Chancellor of UPN Veterans Jakarta held an evaluation of the performance achievements of the Dean of the Faculty of Law

UPNVJ Public Relations - Still in the series of activities to evaluate the performance of the Dean at UPN Veteran Jakarta and the signing of the 2020 performance agreement. Monday, January 27 2020, the Chancellor of UPN Veteran Jakarta and the Deputy Chancellors along with the Head of the UPN Veteran Jakarta Bureau, held an evaluation of the Dean's performance achievements in the Faculties Law UPN Veterans Jakarta. The activity was carried out in the Law Faculty Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Yos Soedarso Building.

This activity was opened by the AKPK Bureau Head, Dr. Suyatno, MM. He conveyed a number of things, namely the first to the Dean of the Faculty of Law, that even though the signing of the performance agreement the Dean of the Faculty of Law was not signed by the current Dean of the Faculty of Law, accountability remains with the current dean. He also said that this activity was an activity to evaluate and also confirm the performance report that had been submitted by the Faculty of Law to the planning department at the University and became material for a performance agreement later. He said that the performance agreement that was drawn up in 2019 was still being prepared based on 7 criteria for accreditation. "The 2019 performance agreement is still being drafted on 7 criteria for accreditation. And in 2020 it will be adjusted according to 9 criteria, and on this occasion many things that might not be quite right will be clarified because what is obtained is what was sent from the faculty itself." AKPK Bureau Head also added his hope for 2020 to be even better. And he emphasized that this performance agreement was a derivative between the Minister and the Chancellor and then scaled back, and this was also an activity to support the performance agreement with the Minister.


The Chancellor of UPNVJ in his remarks conveyed several things related to the dean's performance achievements. The Chancellor again said that this activity was an evaluation of performance achievements and the signing of the 2020 performance agreement, which was also a follow-up to the performance agreement between the Dean and the Chancellor. At the same time it is also a derivative of the Rector's performance report to the Minister. The Chancellor said that in 2019 there was only a performance agreement between the Chancellor and the Dean. The Chancellor hopes that later in 2020 performance contracts can be expanded with other sections at UPN Veteran Jakarta, "In 2020 we will begin not only to the Dean, but we will also expand that there are performance contracts to Heads of Institutions and Head of UPT, later as well as the Dean to distribute performance contracts to each to Wadek 1, 2 and 3, at the same time the Wadek will also give it to the Head of Study Program "


The Chancellor in this activity said that this activity was to submit a report on the results of the performance achieved by the Faculty of Law, and this data is data that will be evaluated by the planning section. The Chancellor added that every 3 months after the performance agreement, the planning section will report to the ministry related to the Chancellor's performance achievements, then the planning section will request data from each Faculty. The Chancellor also conveyed his hope that in the Faculty reporting could run well "Hopefully in the faculty the mechanism has been running well. Where, every 3 months before reporting to the planning department, they have held a meeting at the Dean level. So, hopefully later, this data will be known and evaluated by the Dean. However, if there are things that need clarification during the submission of the report, we will convey them later in the discussion session with the Dean.”

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