Improving Tridharma of Higher Education, Faculty of Engineering Collaborates with ASDAMKINDO


HumasUPNVJ - UPN Veteran Jakarta's efforts to improve the Tridharma of Higher Education continue to be carried out, one of which is by collaborating both nationally and internationally. Both university and faculty institutions always try to collaborate with quality partners and today, Friday (21/02/20) the UPNVJ Faculty of Engineering signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Indonesian Construction Human Resources Association (ASDAMKINDO) regarding Competency-Based Training Collaboration, Lectures General, Seminar, and Internship. The activity witnessed by all the Heads of the Engineering Faculty Study Program and their staff took place in the UPNVJ Faculty of Engineering Meeting Room, Limo, Depok.


Representing the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Galbi Bethalembah, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation welcomed this collaboration. He said that the Faculty of Engineering is ready for the collaboration that will be carried out and it is hoped that this collaboration will add to the experience of the graduates of the Faculty of Engineering.

" In principle, the head of our study program is ready to collaborate. We are interested in this collaboration and in the future we will collaborate in improving human resources according to the needs of the industrial world and especially ASDAMKINDO, "he said.

Furthermore, in the discussion ASDAMKINDO said that the forms of collaboration that would be carried out in the future included internships for students with compensation, Certificates of Accompanying Diplomas (SKPI), involvement of a team of faculty experts with the ASDAMKINDO program, distribution of students for the independent campus program and cooperation in the Professional Certification Institute scheme ( LSP) and will continue to be developed in the implementation of study programs available at the Faculty of Engineering.




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